DNE: 06. 06. 2010. ZBIRALIŠČE: Pri vhodu v Pustolovski park Betnava. ODHOD: Ob 8.00 uri. POVRATEK: Ob 12.00 uri, na izhodiščno mesto. STROŠKI: 0,00 EUR. PRIJAVE: Do torka, 01. 06. 2010 na sedežu društva ali na GSM št. 031-730-824. ...
All bridle paths run through wonderful forest trails, which wend through Pohorje's boundless forests, where the climate and the countryside is ideal for recreative horse riding. The direction and duration of trips on horseback can be ...
From it, the Teutonic Knights of the Cross managed the bestate/b which, in the year 1259, was called 'terra Nedelk et Zunk sita inter Drauam et Mura'. The castle remained in their possession until the last war. ... All Regions, Maribor and bPohorje/b with surroundings, BENEDIKT, CERKVENJAK, CIRKULANE, ČRNA NA KOROŠKEM, DESTRNIK, DORNAVA, DRAVOGRAD, DUPLEK, GORIŠNICA, HAJDINA, HOČE-SLIVNICA, JURŠINCI, KIDRIČEVO, KUNGOTA, LENART, bLOVRENC NA POHORJU/b, MAJŠPERK, MAKOLE, MARIBOR ...